Monday, March 8, 2010

A Message from Mr. Batson

Here is an email I just got:

To Nathan and Tribe SilverTree

I will be posting the final results for the Tribe Building Contest on my blog and on the Underground, FB and everywhere else....tonight.

Without focusing on Win/Loss, I just wanted to say thank you. On behalf of a mission that is much bigger than Wayne Batson or Christopher Hopper writing books, you and your team came through BIG TIME. The seeds you have planted here may well lead hundreds of people and beyond a few steps closer to the Lord, and where from there? Ah, in Heaven, I bet we'll all find out.

I don't know, but I can guess how busy your lives already are. I know all of this took tons of extra time and effort. And, well…I want you to know I appreciate your effort so much. I feel like, in a way, we've gone to battle together.

So for now, I lift my sword in your honor. Well fought!

Never alone.

-Wayne Thomas Batson

What this means I do not know. But I find it very thoughtful of WTB to email me.
Aren't WTB and CH just awesome? :)

1 comment:

Cacia said...

They are!
And how he says, "Well fought!" It really makes me feel like I've been part of something more than just a contest, ya know? *grin*
No matter whether we win or lose, I'm glad I participated. (Though, with all the effort we've put forth, I sure hope it pays off!)