Monday, March 8, 2010

The Final Report

So the final report had be all stressed out. I had tons of emails filled with points, I actually had to sift through them a day early. Eventually I was done, way past my bedtime Sunday night. The total and a few chats with Seth of Swiftstorm had me terribly nervous and I was certain we had lost.

Come to find out this morning that one of the tribe members sent me points at 11:53PM EST, 7 minutes before tribe building ended. Quickly I forwarded the email to WTB promising that I hadn't messed with the time of the email. I hope it will still count. An additional 10K+ was handed in lol

In the end our final Vanadil count is.........................................


I don't know if this is enough, I'm still horribly nervous, but I know it was the best our tribe could do. I am so sorry, I feel like I didn't pull my weight, for not getting the top number of points. I kinda feel like I let you down. Ah well, I hope it's enough.

Congrats Silvertree!


NC said...

I am very nervous too. Don't feel bad, Keeneye. You did a great job!

Cacia said...

I think we're all nervous, and we all could have done more. But I think that we did well. More than 500k is impressive in and of itself.

Besides that... last night I dreamed that we came in third. o.0 It was weird. And I woke up and was like, "Oh, it was just a dream!" And then I dreamed it again. Which was really weird. Not that I think we really are going to come in third (at least I hope not!) but it goes to show how my subconsciousness was focused on (and freaking out over) one thing. =P

Pingpong said...

Hey don't worry about keeneye. I was just talking about this yesterday in that it's a teamwork game basically. You came in the top few which is great for being a leader as well. We'll just have to see where the point totals fall. But Never Ever give up the vision!

Odiscei Ov Heros said...
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Nathan R. Petrie said...

Thank you NC! You did great coming in as late as you did!

Celeb, third....would stink lol

Thank you PingPong...I just felt like, being the leader, I should have led the tribe in points. Your vote of confidence is very pleasing :)

Barie, more of a concern ;) LOL

Precentor said...


Ye did fine. I didn't have to lead, so I nabbed points :P Ye had to lead :| So ye led. Well done all, I just hope we won XD

Aye said...

I hope we win....