Sunday, February 28, 2010

Leaderboard Conundrum [From WTB]

To Tribe Nightwing and Silvertree,

The error made in the scoring is my own. In looking back over the amount of points earned for various projects, I realized there was some inequity between time spent/quality produced and actual points earned. I realized that in some cases, I had awarded fairly large point sums for activities that actually take very little time or effort, such as posting the same book review in ten different places.

And, after reading the responses to Nightwing's Promo Video on my blog, I realized that I had vastly underscored their efforts here. So many tribe member were involved in that project, and so many put in so much time...well, I really should have awarded them a much higher sum in the first place. You should realize that I showed the video to professionals at my publisher and they RAVED about it.

So, all that said, I remedied my initial error by awarding Nightwing additional points. According to my calculations, the scores for your two tribes are as follows:

Silvertree: Taken by Keeneye

409,800 Vanadils

Nightwing: Taken by Jacob Parker

[I'm not posting, but more than that. Only about 2K though]

It's now a virtual dead heat. May the best tribe win.

Never alone.



Unknown said...


Precentor said...

Good to know, so is the the LAST possible day to turn in points?

Odiscei Ov Heros said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Precentor said...

We will Barie, I plan on having a killing come through this week, if bro is up to it a'course.

Cacia said...

Glad to know everything's sorted now.
o.O So, how much are reviews worth now?
And, is there (or should there be) a difference in scoring reviews? I noticed that some people wrote long, thought-out reviews, spending a lot more time and effort than the people who had one or two sentences, like "I read it and it's great! I recommend it to anyone!" Is there going to be a difference in scoring between those?

Nathan R. Petrie said...

Celeb, nope no difference. still 500

NC said...

What happened?
Did I miss something?

Cacia said...

Ahh, good. *relieved sigh* I got a bit worried for a moment there.