Monday, November 15, 2010


Due to a situation beyond our control, namely the rampant competitive nature of the tribe contest, I, Nathan R. Petrie, made a bad decision. I decided to pretend to be a SS leader,(Guys I love you) and in so doing give a false resignation for their tribe. So, you can read the statement here : It was both unprofessional and un-courteous to do this to their tribe. Something that was tried as a joke turned out…slightly less, or more than a joke depending on how you look at it. I just want to say that I think Millard, Seth, and the whole rest of the SS group are infinitely more professional than I am. And I am really fearing that they’ll beat me and my tribe. I love my tribe, the kids are great..but they can’t really match what SS has going on right now. So, I apologize for my “blogpost” and just want to say, I congratulate you on an early win SS.

MY BAD! :(

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Wayne Batson and Christopher Hopper (YA Fantasy authors) have launched yet another Tribe Building Contest. The point of the contest, as it was last time, is to promote their books and their names. As a tribe/team we complete tasks that are worth different point amounts. The tribe with the most points wins, although there are prizes for the top 4 tribes.

Silvertree, I am here to ask if you would like to participate once again. Some of you were highly involved, others not so much. it's summer! And with that comes a whole lot more time. If you would like to play tribe building again please comment here or by email and tell me so.

Obviously, I'd love to have every single one of you back in the tribe! You were all so fun to play this game with last time! If you are not playing, please reply telling me so. If you are playing, and wish to join a different tribe, I need to know that as well.

Obviously, I'd love for you all to stay with Silvertree.I was on a fast when the contest kicked back into gear so I think some of you may have been snagged by other tribes. You have dibs on coming back to Silvertree. Things aren't set in stone yet ;)

I have some really awesome plans for this year! I expect to me more organized, yes MORE, more involved, and more amazingly open category usableness. (That made no sense). I have a new blog set up with crazy organization, understanding, etc. If you join the tribe again I'll email you the link and permissions.

Those of you that did practically everything you could last time: Fear not! There is still more that you can do. This round, I believe, the game will be decided by AOC points. I've contacted WTB about the ideas we started on last time. He mentioned crazy point-age last time and on his blog he's promised MORE this time around. The pointage will be insane!

Those of you that weren't very involved: No problem! Do as little or as much as you'd like! Obviously we'd love you to do a LOT but the little helps just as much. This summer you'll have more opportunities and I'll update you guys more! Fresh start! And....there's a whole other book to work with! VAS comes out in a week!

To all Silvertree re-join-ers: Thanks so much! I'm stoked! I'll be emailing you the new blog permissions and new information shortly. One thing I'd ask from you is a three sentence, give or take, bio. What do you want the tribe to know about you? If nothing, that's cool. You can be the invisible point-getters ;)

Thanks guys! I look forward to playing with you!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tribes Rise Again!

Reading WTB's blog, it seem fairly obvious that another tribe contest will be started in order to promote Venom and Song. If so, we may want to plan for the future, If WTB lets us keep all the tribes intact then we probably won't need to do anything (unless you want to leave, of course) if he clears the tribes, would we want to all stay together until we can gather in a tribe (Silvertree if we can get the name, or another name if some other tribe beats us to the punch) Also, Keeneye, would you still be willing to lead the tribe or would you like another member to step up and try leading? Or, last option, Would you just all want to go separate ways and join whatever tribe you wish?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

'After Math'!

Now that the contest is done and over (congratulations to nightwing), what should become of our little clan of elves? I understand that most of us are bloggers -- so some of us can keep in contact -- but what about everyone else? I propose we form something like a Chat-Room!

What does everyone else think of the idea? 

Monday, March 8, 2010

The results have been posted!

The results have been posted! We were 2nd. Nightwing put in an incredible effort with 825,700 points! Congrats Nightwing! Silvertree, great job! Even if we didn't win, we still put in a good effort and helped promote WTB's books! Great job to everyone who participated in this contest!

A Message from Mr. Batson

Here is an email I just got:

To Nathan and Tribe SilverTree

I will be posting the final results for the Tribe Building Contest on my blog and on the Underground, FB and everywhere else....tonight.

Without focusing on Win/Loss, I just wanted to say thank you. On behalf of a mission that is much bigger than Wayne Batson or Christopher Hopper writing books, you and your team came through BIG TIME. The seeds you have planted here may well lead hundreds of people and beyond a few steps closer to the Lord, and where from there? Ah, in Heaven, I bet we'll all find out.

I don't know, but I can guess how busy your lives already are. I know all of this took tons of extra time and effort. And, well…I want you to know I appreciate your effort so much. I feel like, in a way, we've gone to battle together.

So for now, I lift my sword in your honor. Well fought!

Never alone.

-Wayne Thomas Batson

What this means I do not know. But I find it very thoughtful of WTB to email me.
Aren't WTB and CH just awesome? :)

The Final Report

So the final report had be all stressed out. I had tons of emails filled with points, I actually had to sift through them a day early. Eventually I was done, way past my bedtime Sunday night. The total and a few chats with Seth of Swiftstorm had me terribly nervous and I was certain we had lost.

Come to find out this morning that one of the tribe members sent me points at 11:53PM EST, 7 minutes before tribe building ended. Quickly I forwarded the email to WTB promising that I hadn't messed with the time of the email. I hope it will still count. An additional 10K+ was handed in lol

In the end our final Vanadil count is.........................................


I don't know if this is enough, I'm still horribly nervous, but I know it was the best our tribe could do. I am so sorry, I feel like I didn't pull my weight, for not getting the top number of points. I kinda feel like I let you down. Ah well, I hope it's enough.

Congrats Silvertree!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Greetings elves, do ye happen to know what tomorrow is? Perhaps? Any takers? *person raises hand* Yes Barie? "Tomorrow is March 3rd" Good answer! It is! And what is march 3rd?

No it is not the president's birthday.

No it is not a holiday......yet.

No Mr. Arnold hasn't started his presidential race.

It is Millard's B day! Yes ik, who would'a guessed! HUZZAH!! :D :D :D XD XD

Ik ik, yall are clambering to give me a present!*hops for joy* But...... Shipping out to Oregon is not cheap :( *sighs* So ya know what I have decided to let ya do? *suspenseful pause* You can simply win tribes for me! :D Catch me in score if ye can ;)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Leaderboard Conundrum [From WTB]

To Tribe Nightwing and Silvertree,

The error made in the scoring is my own. In looking back over the amount of points earned for various projects, I realized there was some inequity between time spent/quality produced and actual points earned. I realized that in some cases, I had awarded fairly large point sums for activities that actually take very little time or effort, such as posting the same book review in ten different places.

And, after reading the responses to Nightwing's Promo Video on my blog, I realized that I had vastly underscored their efforts here. So many tribe member were involved in that project, and so many put in so much time...well, I really should have awarded them a much higher sum in the first place. You should realize that I showed the video to professionals at my publisher and they RAVED about it.

So, all that said, I remedied my initial error by awarding Nightwing additional points. According to my calculations, the scores for your two tribes are as follows:

Silvertree: Taken by Keeneye

409,800 Vanadils

Nightwing: Taken by Jacob Parker

[I'm not posting, but more than that. Only about 2K though]

It's now a virtual dead heat. May the best tribe win.

Never alone.


Leader Board

Most of you by now have seen that Mr. Batson ranked us 2nd. According to my point total and Jacob's we should be up by a large amount.

I have emailed Mr. Batson concerning this and will likely hear back today or tomorrow. I will be sure to let you know what he says.

In the meantime, today is the second to last tribe report. It's the last week, let's go all out. Send me everything you've done (especially the Time Sensitive thing) and do everything you can!

Thanks for hanging in there guys! Hopefully we'll have things figured out shortly lol
